Certification Mark logo
What is Yoga?
Who is BKS Iyengar?
What distinguishes the practice of Iyengar yoga from other styles of yoga?
How does yoga differ from other forms of activity e.g. aerobics?
Can anyone practice yoga?
Can yoga be practised if I have a medical condition or minor problem?
Will everyone be slim?
What can I expect in an Iyengar yoga class?
Can I eat before a class?
What should I wear?
What benefits come from Iyengar yoga practice?
Is yoga a religion?
What is the Certification Mark and the various levels of Certification?
What is the IYA(UK)?
What is the Certification Mark and the various levels of Certification?

The Certification Mark is a registered worldwide trade mark and in this country is awarded to approved teacher members of the Iyengar Yoga Association (UK). Only properly trained and certified teachers who have maintained their professional development are legally permitted to use this logo.

The logo shows a silhouette of BKS Iyengar in the pose called Natarajasana against the triangular image of BKS Iyengar’s institute building in Pune, India. Also the name IYENGAR® is trademarked in the UK and the rest of Europe
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